On my first pass, I didn't see the octopus. Don't know if he just got home, or was hiding too well the first time. See below: he was peeking at me!
he's just above the k

You have to look really hard to see it, but there's a barracuda in the Keiki Pond! Look for the black coloring on the tail and it's up from there...
Female Trunk or box fish
Pretty clouds and waves
Sleeping honu

Even amid all the waves, nudibranch eggs still are attached to the rocks.
Palms and clouds
Pink Coral for my sis-in-law.A very pretty Hairy Triton shell that I think still had someone living in it. So it's back on the bottom.

Seal snoozing down near the hotel
A starfish surprised me.
Waves and waves and waves
Bluefin Trevally. It was racing around. Never did find out what it was so excited about.
So not a great swim, but very happy to spot an octopus. It's all good. Thanks for reading.
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