So, thinking that Poipu would also be raining, as we were having a flood watch, I wondered if it would be a waste of time to swim, since I knew the surf was still up and it was later than usual, so people would have had time to mess up the water. BUT, I was glad I went.
It relieved my almost itchy feeling that I would be missing something if I didn't go. And knowing full well that bad water would give the octopuses even more camouflage than they normally have, I was doubtful it would be worth the gas to drive down. I was wrong!
Below is octopus #1 (and only.) Once I saw it, I knew it was ok to get out.

But not before I shot another photo of the dark color the octopus turned when I swooped down to get closer.
If you look carefully, you can see the octo-eye about midway down on the brown blob. I know it's not a great photo, but wanted to demonstrate the color change. And it happens in a blink of an eye!
It amazes me how fast octopuses can change color. I do wish that they were a bit more friendly. Having said that, I have to remember that here in Hawaii people are rude enough to eat octopuses, so I am grateful they have life preserving tendencies.
Of course, the eel above would not turn down an octo-meal, so perhaps I should lighten up.The juvenile Rock Mover Wrasse was flitting around also. They are skittish around big predators too.
There were only 50 photos taken today. Yeah, bad vis = not many photos. But here's the one with the Turban Shell and the operculum still in it! I did put it back down and it's probably still happily living in Poipu. But glad for the shot.
That is such a cool creation: it's like a protective door to keep predators out. Sometimes it works. And sometimes the crab gets in. But in any case, glad I went down to swim.
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