I did see a small Snowflake Moray in the same den where I used to see an octopus. Bad, bad moray! Yes, I know they are only trying to live and eat, but with so many other types of food, you'd think they would give an octopus a break. And really, I don't know if the eel ate the octopus or if it just flew away. In any case, I saw two octopuses today, and as far as I know, they were both new:
The octopus flew from the coral head below, to the rock above. The tail of the Rock Mover Wrasse is above the octopus, which had adhered itself to the underside of the rock. The octopus is just below the white bar on the wrasse's tail.
The Rock Mover flew over the bottom, rubbing itself on the rocks. The octopus, to the bottom left, just sat there, trying to be invisible.

He'e changed color to dark maroon when I swam down to get a closer shot.
And it came fully out to move from the coral to the rock.

And he'e #2 was in this hole....it changed to the darker color when I swooped down. If I could only get them to know that I'm not the enemy.
And a very nice surprise in addition to octo-sightings, the long nose butterfly fish. Times 2! It's a lauwiliwilinukunuku'oi'oi fish. It means shaped like a wiliwili tree with a sharp snout:
They do have a very long snout. And pretty coloration. And they are usually seen in pairs:
Like the Raccoon Butterfly fish:
The fish above were coming to see if I would feed them, I think. Note how their eyes are concealed by the black band on their faces.
Ambon puffer is still pretty, even in sandy water.
Very nice clouds. Lots of variety.
And a moon.

Cornet fish.
Drupe shell with goop on it. Note the two "teeth" on the inside of the lip. Not sure what purpose they serve.
The first fish I saw, a female Christmas Wrasse.

Hebrew Cone. In less than pristine condition.
Another tiny Humu. They are so cute when they watch you and sometimes dart into a hole for protection.

Overloaded Urchin
A mess of Kihikihi (Moorish idol) fish. This was taken in the Keiki Pond, where people walk around and mess up the bottom and therefore, the visibility.
I titled one of these "Enough already!"

But had to include the ones with the palm trees for Alex.

Hiding behind the clouds.
Paddle surfer...the surf wasn't great, so not many surfers to watch out for.
Pencil Urchins
And Pinktail Durgon. Aren't those cool fins on top and bottom? Clear with black edging.
Snakeshead Cowry shell, hiding in a dent in a rocky area.

Two snoozers on the island. I'm told the little one was there again. They are guessing it comes from Ni'ihau.

You can see the thread of the Threadfin Butterfly.
And this is where the Snowflake Moray took over the octo-den.
Very happy to see two octopuses, especially after seeing none last time. And when I got out of the water, found out our lease for the place on Oahu was approved! Yay.
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