Yeah, it wasn't very nice, but really, would people go out and swim around seeing nothing?!
So I told her that yes, I saw things: 5 octopuses! They were both surprised. Well, so was I really...

Hard to see, sort of. Just below the pink/lavender bit, is the octopus' body. Bumpy. If I hadn't known it was there, I wouldn't have known what it was.
Octopus #5. Peeking up before it saw me.
Would you have seen it? Brown, in the mid range of the photo.
Can you see the barely there rainbow?
This seal definitely needed to molt.God's glory coming through.
Humu group
Juvenile Rock Mover wrasse, pretending to be seaweed.
Same seal, different angle.
Snowflake moray saying hello.
Spotfin Scorpion Fish trying to disappear.
Stout Moray.
There may have been more photos, but the lifeguard made us get out, so they could move a seal out of the Kiddie Pond. By the time we could go back in, I was too cold!
But a nice swim anyway.
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