It had its little mouth agape. But I wasn't able to get close. It's enough for me that I know it's still there, guarding the reef. (From little fish....that's probably all it could stuff in its mouth, but still.)
And five octopuses. Yay!
Here is #1. And it may seem as if there are a lot of octo-photos in this blog, but please know that I took over 100 photos of the various little beasties, so just be thankful I restrained myself. HA.

The octopus below is the dark blob to the right of the rocky table. Same one I spotted yesterday.

Better light does help.

Sometimes I can only tell it's a different octopus by comparing rocks near the den!

Note the small part of the arm in this shot, as well as the suckers.

Both eyes and the siphon.
Check also on youtube for octopigirl7 You'll see an octopus moving rocks around in its den. Housekeeping on an octo-level.

#5 was a surprise and a small one. Didn't venture out at all. Well, I get it: I'm a lot bigger and probably quite intimidating to one so small.

Peeking at me. They will do that to see if I've gone away. NOT. The eye is just below the red rock.

This is the one featured in the moved the rocks around to its liking.

Small bit of aqua on this one. Not sure why they do that.

I can't imagine ever being so hungry as to eat an octopus. But perhaps that's just me.
Two biggish Peacock Groupers. I expected them to tangle, but they just swam away from each other. Perhaps because they were similarly sized, they knew there'd be no point.
Christmas Wrasse accompanying a Snowflake Moray. Or irritating it! Take your pick. They don't talk to ya.

Just a bit of this eel's tail.

Juvenile Yellow Tail Coris
Male box fish. I could count the spots, but I think it would be easier if I printed it and marked them off as I counted. Not sure that I have that energy! I'm happy to report that the Box or Trunk fish has a LOT of spots.
Sometimes you can spot an octopus because of the rocks outside their dens. In other places, they sometimes blow the shells of animals they've eaten outside their dens. This is not a life affirming habit! Makes it easier for hunters of the human variety to spot them. Bad, bad humans!
A pair of Pinktail Durgon (trigger fish) in the deeper side. Water not so clear.

Rock Mover on Sesame Street as the letter "S"

Lately I've been noticing sand. There is a lot of disparate stuff in it! In this case, there was an operculum that I swooped up for my collection (which numbers over 13,000 now. Yeah, part of me thinks it's stupid, but I just love the things.)
Sergeant Major in the deep side

Honu snoozing on the beach:
Snowflake Moray

White Mouth Moray
This is why there are no octopuses in this den that once had them....dratted Snowflake!
And a nice surprise: Zebra Moray! These are very reclusive animals. I hardly ever see them. This was a good sized one.

OK, look away now if you don't care about clouds:
Makes a plane look tiny.

Of course, must include palm tree for Alex.

Our God is an awesome God. And very creative. Very thankful for the nice viewings and safety. There were over 400 pix in this 2.5 hour swim. No wonder my trigger finger is tired. Have a great day and thanks for reading. Tell your friends!
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