Five octopuses....I'm losing track of which ones might be new, but at least one was. I think.

But I did catch it changing color to hid under this rock.
He'e #2 was a regular. I should say, it was in a regular's spot! Who knows if it was the same octopus?
He'e 3...dark and below, peeking with tan and white coloration.

More peeking, but with the gloved hand showing it was #3. When you see more than one, sometimes you need the help in remembering which one was which.
Octopus #4 was a really good hider. But yes, that one above is a den with surrounding rocks and an octopus.

When I was sifting through the photos, I was surprised that I had less than 300 pictures; but then I remembered that I was SO COLD I had to get out after only 2 hours. Normally I can find things to amuse myself for 3 hours. We had temps in the 60's and I did have on my shorty wetsuit, but that wind chill walking from the shower to the car really did me in! Upon exiting the water and rinsing my wetsuit, I have on only a swim suit, as I have to leave my clothes in the car. (This is one problem with swimming on your own: no one to watch your gear on the beach. And no one to report if you get into trouble...but I try not to dwell on that.)

This enterprising urchin found a Drupe shell to put on its back for protection.

Do you hate it when I say I gotta look something up?! I'm not sure what eel this is. But he had a nice striped pattern and those cute nostril tubes.

Mr. Lizard fish didn't move at all while I was looking at him.
Male Trunk Fish

Palms and clouds. That's the kiddie pond, i.e., the shallower side.
Pencil Urchin

And a nice Picasso Trigger Fish! I don't see them very often over here on Kauai, so I grabbed the chance for a photo. Or two.
A shrimp, hiding in a hole. When you see a round tube in the sand, look inside. That's where they hide. I assume they dig it too, but not sure.

Too much eyeshadow and blusher. ha.
Urchin breakfast. The white dots once all had those black spiny things on them.

A very cute little urchin, defying gravity. And also overloaded with baggage!
A nice swim. Very glad for the opportunity. And now I'm home and warm!
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