So here's the fun story from this week:
Some kids nearby are sidewalk artists. They had done Lilo and Stitch, as well as a very nice geometric pattern on the sidewalk outside their home. Then, those disappeared and weren't replaced with anything. I thought: uh-oh. Perhaps they ran out of chalk.
So the next time we went out, I looked for chalk at the local craft store: no joy! Our next stop was the Long's drugstore, and I found chalk there.
On my next walk, I took the chalk and prepared card and placed it outside the steps to their home. The card thanked them for the cool sidewalk drawings, told them I was afraid they ran out of chalk, and signed the card, Your neighbor, Karen. And the P.S. was: can you draw octopuses?
And I was rewarded:
A green octopus with pink eyes. A lavender octopus and a pink octopus!
As I was snapping photos, the Mom came out. We had a very nice chat about her kids. The pink octopus even had the correct number of legs! Very nice of them.
Following is a plant that is plenty curious.The black parts have the same shape as the pink, but wow what a difference. It occurred to me they might have bugs or a blight of some kind, so I left them alone. But I was mystified.

nice clouds
I am not a fan of Google's new blogger formatting!
Seed pods
Pink plumeria and below, orchids.
Can you see that bit of white? It is a ship in the harbor. We don't get that way very often, so I have no idea what type of ship it was.
Saffron Finch allowing me to snap a photo.Pearl City was getting some rain. Love that.

The ocean in the distance. I hope to be octosnooping today!
Pretty clouds

These finches are so cute. They hop along, I think looking for seeds. Or maybe bugs.
Surveying its domain.
Droplets of water on the plants in the park.
I am still waiting for these pink flowers to open up.
Finch was joined by a few friends.
I still do not know what this plant is, but I do know it's pretty.
I found an odd fruit or seed pod.
I love these purple flowers. If you can get close, the petals almost look sugar-coated.Lovely
Pretty red

This rose had a very nice fragrance. When will we have smello-vision?
Succulents in jail.
Love how delicate:
OK, Google. Stop with the new attempt!
I'll report back once we have visited the water.
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