Monday, April 20, 2020

Bulleit Rye and Pepperoni

Tried to make pizza yesterday, but didn't have any pepperoni! So I ventured out today and was rewarded with not only pepperoni, but also toilet paper and Bulleit Rye.....the big one! (but no yeast and no flour in the store...)

Every time I find myself in the store, comparing prices/sizes, I am reminded that I once complained that we don't need math and that we would never use it outside of school....ha!!! Egg on my face.
 Some presents for Alex from his wish list....
 Cloud. How on earth do they work? I don't know how one makes holes in a cloud. And how big they are!
 Eggs benedict for the birthday boy. We also had a fun party via Zoom!

 Godzilla bath curtain
 Green Parrot. They are escaped birds and now are serious agricultural pests. And they are loud, too.

 Waning moon
 The first try eggs benny....those yolks ran to get scrambled! I had to throw them out and start again with a cooler pan. I poached the eggs in whirling water.
 More moon sliver

Who knew the lovely flowers below had a big red seed?!
 I know I am loved. Do you?

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