Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sweating it out in Kekaha!

 I love where we live...I do not love the excessive heat. It is very expensive to have a/c, so we don't. Thank God for fans!

Somebody has amazing orchid skills...not me.

Bitter Melon fruit
Sometimes the birds get to them before I see them.

Types of Plumeria

This is one of the pair of Boxers that run around can tell it's not the boxer I watch because he has the big tail.

Nene geese
About 12 years ago, I gave my hubby a 5-0 party for his 50th. Now I inherited the hat.
I am touched (literally and figuratively) when she puts her head or paw on me. I think she means me to stay.

Too many uneaten mangoes and not on my property. Sadly. 

Niihau and Lehua in the distance.

Lehua island
No Pueo this time.
Crown flowers
Niihau and Lehua
Nene near the entry to the Aegis office.

They take a while to determine what they want to do next. Just glad they are not doing it on the road..that can cause trouble.

Two Moorhens

Da plane!
She had done her 90 mph run and was tired.

Tired but in no way leaving her spot near the treat bag!

Yeah, she thought resting her head on my foot was a good idea.

A seat unused for a while.
A lonely horse. Not sure what they call this gray color with white accents.

Turtle resting on a rock in the Waimea river.

Took this photo thinking I could compare when the water rose with the storm. But thankfully, we never got the storm!
He was there when I came home. Bold as brass and about as removable.

Then he moved to the slider screen.

Clouds with palms
Holes in the sky.

My little Cactus grew a new leaf. Or fruit.

Not a great  photo and you can't really see Koa the dog, but I was chuffed to see someone with Christmas spirit in July.
Morning pink even with telephone wires.

They are friends.

Mangoes too high to pick. Even with a mango pole picker. Sad.

A whole bunch of green mangoes not ripe enough to think about.
Cat on top of the world. But aren't they all ?

I wonder if they ever open fully.
A very pale rainbow.

Started with 3 cans of Pepsi that somebody left on the ground. Ended up with about 20 cans. I found a spot on the beach where people partied and were cruel enough not to take their cans with them.
Bob the Boobie has flown the coop. At first, I thought he might have died, but I prefer to think he is hanging with his new family!
Small rainbow

The new growth came out the bottom. Gotta grow!
Thanks to our awesome God who took Hurricane Calvin in another direction. Really grateful.
Have a great week.

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