Thanks for hanging in there with my pix. Unless I strike unfound paydirt, this could be the final post from our European vacation.
Somehow, all the beer glasses were big in restaurants!We really enjoyed our visit to Portsmouth. Alex because he is a boat guy and me because they were amazing..and those being reconstructed, because they were awesome in the way they were constructed.
Big boats and little ones. It really gives you perspective on how mammoth these big ships really were.

Another church in Cambridge.
The Golden Hinde. Note the little golden deer on the bow.
I included this photo because it shows how thorough Alex was in finding our way. He is the chief naviguesser.
More amazing cathedrals.
Alex in his cold weather gear.
And almost all of them had work being done on them.
We didn't try haggis, but were afraid of it! The Brits do eat some strange things..
I had no idea one needs to change priorities with a sign. Thankfully, were were NOT driving in Britain, so most signs just passed us by.
I can't tell you which train station this was, but we were in a LOT of them! Alex is pulling on his face protector. So cold!
Nicely situated cathedral. We walked all around it and were finally able to find a spot to take care of our personal business. It's amazing how some big places had very few bathrooms.
The view from one of our hotel rooms. I didn't mind being put in the back: it meant we could get into our room sooner. Which meant we didn't have to lug our heavy baggage all around town.
I included this shot to show my wrist brace. I am once again thankful for my husband's willingness to carry the heavy bags. It was hard enough to get on the train with basically one hand, let alone with the luggage!
I watched a documentary about Stephen Hawking yesterday. What an amazing mind! And he didn't give up, even when faced with amazing physical challenges. He is credited with discovering black holes.
Once we returned, we were very late in trying to get a Christmas tree. So the nice people at our local grocery store had made rosemary trees! Which I immediately covered with my French baguette ornament. So adorable.
This is the hairbrush I got from Pylones. Isn't she cute? And the pieces of my current Valentine's day puzzle. All you lovers out there, enjoy each other!
And for now, that's all I have.
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