no octpuses. yes, you know who i'll blame...
Above is the home where I saw the octopus 2 days ago. Maybe I scared him...i hate thinking that!

The Christmas wrasse ran away too, but I don't think I had anything to do with it...I think it just had places to go. They are fairly fearless...
As were these guys...tummies up!

and this guy wouldn't get out of the way, so you get part of his arm....damn visitors! :)
And I will end with thanks to God for not bouncing my determined butt all over the wall between the two ponds. It took me probably 2 minutes to get over the wall to the kiddie pond. Yeah, the current was pretty strong. But I remembered not to use my arms over my head, so the rotator cuffs are fine..
You can't really tell, but this was the smaller of the 3 seals. This one was lying and snoozing all on its own. Quite relaxed, apparently.
I have realized that I need to calm down and not get bummed when I don't see an octopus every time. After all, they probably need a break! and if you want to see octo-video, please visit my youtube site: just search for octopigirl7.
And thanks! All praise to God for His provision!
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