Here are the little darlings, 4 of which were on the deeper side, quite a surprise!
He'e 1 with brighteye damsel watching it.

The Rock Mover Wrasse was circling around He'e 1.
I'm sure the octopus was over it (see the octopus just off the middle of the fish's back)

Sometimes I can find the octopus again by noting geographical clues, like the hole in this rock above the octopus.
And this one, he'e 2, was about 6 feet away from #1. Perhaps there was love in the air. Or would that be love in the water?!
Siphon more open.

And it changed to some white on its skin.

The blue Parrot fish swam by, not knowing about the octopus below.
This was a smaller octopus. You can see the siphon is smaller.I was scanning for frogfish on the yellow coral, and spotted this octopus.
Awww so cute.

This was the smallest of those octopuses that I found.
You can just see he'e 5 and its suckers and some skin, to the left of center below the red rock.
They are such smart creatures! Of course, those that live there know by now that tourists do walk on the bottom, so they move into their dens quickly if need be.
Definitely easier to see than the octopuses! Juvenile coloration, which I would assume, since the real animal is maybe 3 or 4 inches long.
It hardly moves at all under my camera's eye, so there are different angles you can take, but no movement to catch. Thankfully, the rolling waves didn't pester me while I was out there.
Following, a nice leaf fish. You can see its "paw" on the rocks. The head is pointing downward.
Following is the way I first saw it. I always wonder: "Is that a leaf or a leaf fish?"
A fish definitely. This is a member of the Scorpion Fish family, but not sure what venom, if any, it has. Like the Frogfish, it barely moves, unless the water moves it around.
A pair of lovely lemon yellow Teardrop Butterfly fish.

And the Barred Filefish
Christmas Wrasse saw me and ran. What did I do?!

And the juvenile of the Yellow Tail Coris. It still amazes me how different they are from the adult.
Male Box fish

Moorish Idol

Needlefish. There must be a way to capture their image, but it's tough, at least for me, since they hover near the surface.
The moon and a palm tree.

Pink Coral
And Pinktail! Note the divot taken out of its dorsal fin.
And the reliably feisty Rock Mover Wrasse.

Whitebar Surgeon Fish. They are always out where the surge is greatest.
And the Teardrop Butterfly couple again. Note that the eye is mostly on the black line, so it's not easily discerned.
Had a really nice swim, helped out by God's wonderful creatures. The water was really nice and clear, surprising since there were waves, albeit not as high surf as previously. I'm thankful!
And also thankful that my friend's cat apparently has been reliably eating. The reason for my trip down on a Sunday was to ensure that the food was being eaten. Oh what we do for our pets!
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