My own octo-snooping found at least 3 octopuses, 1 frog fish, one scorp and one spotfin scorp. And the mouth of a Dragon Moray! And lots of pretty shells. What a nice treat. Here are the pix:
You can doubtless tell that above is the frog fish! Octopuses are never this color. Ha.
In fact, they are rarely any color except brown or maroon, when they're mad at me.
In the preceding photo, the octopus is to the left of the rock in the center. If you look carefully inside its den, you can see its eye just below the rock. And its skin.
I am finding that they hide even more now, when more people are tromping about on their dens.
But in the good news category, I did ask one young lady who was standing on the bottom if she could swim. She replied in the affirmative, so I asked her if she would please do so! I added that animals live on the rocks she was walking on. She actually said I'm Sorry! People can learn.
You can just see the animal above the shell.
A white shell still in use and sand.
Abudefduf and Convict Tang. Stripes can be so different, can't they?
An eel I couldn't find in my book.
Cute blenny
Cleaning Station with Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse attending to a Saddle Wrasse.
Cone shell showing its pretty innards of purple.
The Dragon Moray...this was all I could see. It stayed hidden and didn't lunge out to attack me. (Glad.)

Drupe covered in sand
Flounder, Peacock variety

Seal snoozing. (Sorry, Ms. J, didn't catch the number!)
Juvenile Yellow Tail Coris

Male Box fish

I am unsure what this is, but it seemed empty. Maybe an urchin of some type?
OK, can you spot it?
Devil Scorpion Fish, in the center of the shot, near a rock. Well, I guess that doesn't help you much, does it?! Look for the side fins. It's in the center of the picture.
This is a turban shell, really old, and the operculum has been sedimented into it....
Pencil urchins and following, Rock Mover Wrasse.

Here's an easier view of the Scorpion Fish, with light on its face.
And showing its colorful right fin as it moved along.

Snowflake Moray and 2 Saddle Wrasses
Spotfin Scorpion Fish, hiding under a rock.

Turban shell with the Electric Blue Crab in it.
Whitemouth Moray
So, a nice dive. The waves were not as strong as the last time I swam and the tide was going down, so that helped me get out to the Frog Fish. Always a treat, those lemon yellow fishes!
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