Well, maybe rainbows and rain offshore and a seal. Yeah, that's the ticket!
When they have rocks all around, they are probably building a home for two..
I would tell you which one was #1, etc., but when I double back on them, I forget which was which! So just know there were 8 octopuses. Yeah. A great day.
I call this peeking...they pop up above the rocks to see if I'm gone. I don't take it personally.

Two rock mover wrasse....they didn't spot any octopuses for me today.
4 spot butterfly and bleached coral. 
A mess of Abudefduf
Ambon Puffer

Blue spined unicorn fish
Brighteye Chromis

Clouds and palms

Cowry shell hiding within a coral head
This was a male Trunk Fish in the deep side..
Did somebody call me?
Small eel

Eggs of some kind, adhered to a rock.
Fleabite cone shell
I think somebody attacked this octopus...note the circular scars on its head. Hope it wasn't another octopus! I have heard they will eat other octopuses...
Little Humu

A group of Bluefin Trevally

Pencil urchins
Seal, looking for a place to land.
There were actually two shrimp, but only one was willing to show itself for the camera
Back to snoozing.
And there was a sock drifting on the bottom. Funny thing was I have a sock like that! So I brought it home, just in case. I can't imagine how one of my socks would have come with me into the water, but one never knows....
Spanish Dancer nudibranch. It was also in the deeper part, so I couldn't get really close.
Yellow tail coris. Such a lovely fish.
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