The bad news: a spear fisherman beat me into the water, so that could be why there were only 2!

The first he'e. Adhered to a rock. Kinda looks upside down, non?

First Spanish Dancer
Snoozing seals
2nd Spanish Dancer
Ambon Puffer
Cute Blenny
Male Trunk Fish

Christmas Wrasse with sunlight on its shoulders
Cigar Wrasse - yellow phase

Huge Flea Bite Cone!!! It was turned over with just brown showing at first. I touched it with gloved hand and only at the fat end....The animal is in the middle of the picture. This was longer than my palm and fingers stretched out.
another cone..much smaller (look for the green)
Monk seal..this is the little one with one eye open. Well, the other one could have been open, but I can't tell from this photo..

Humu about to disappear into a hole.
And there it goes!

The seal which is turned toward the ocean took umbrage at the new one showing up and barked. See it on for octopigirl7
Juliana's sea hare

Lizard fish:
Another Trunk Fish.

Millet Seed Butterfly

Needle Fish
Very nice swim and for the most part, very clear water! And I was able to get out further, too, as the water was calm. Thanks to God for great sightings and safety. And that I didn't yell at anyone for being a putz. Some folks are so new to the water that they don't even know what not to do.
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