I am home from work today, as my digestive system wasn't happy with some of what I ate apparently. I'm blaming too much hummus and not the Gumbo file I ate! :) And I KNOW it wasn't those 2 beignets. (Never did make it to Cafe du Monde...they have cool t-shirts: Peace, Love and beignets! :)) Here's my photo of the 2 beignets they brought me at the hotel restaurant. Thankfully, the waiter allowed me to have a half order. Four of these babies probably would have killed me! I also asked him please to let me have some without the mounds of powdered sugar. I'm told in some places, they put so much powdered sugar, it clogs up your lungs!

And Mr. Louis Armstrong greeted me at the New Orleans airport. I told the lady I really wished I had met him while he was alive! What a joyful person he seemed to be. This statue in his honor was probably 9 feet tall...I can certainly think of him being that big!
Because of time constraints, I had breakfast at the hotel, delivered by the wonderful room service folks. These were eggs benedict and yes, they, and the coffee were great! At another event, we had the choice of Eggs Bennie with crab; I was glad I had had eggs the previous day, as crab is not my go-to food.

At the New Orleans airport coming home, there was a majorly cool dog: A German short-haired pointer! SUCH a cool dog! We had one when I was a kid; this one, however had black spots, not brown as in my childhood dog. What a brilliant plan to have a hunting dog as a drug search dog.
Here it is, pointing. Not the same dog, of course, but one very like it.
The hotel, which is wonderful, The Windsor Court Hotel, had a few snacks, wines, etc. available but at a horrible price. So they were allowed to give me a Keurig machine, as well as a refrigerator for my morning yogurt. I can't eat eggs bennie every day! (Well, I can, but it's not a good idea...)
And the "room" wasn't really a room, but a very nice suite: I had a separate room with shower, and separate alcove for the toilet. and a living room. and the bedroom. and the room with the minibar and set-up as above.
And just so you can learn from my dumb moves: check that your laptop charger is actually the correct one! I didn't, so the correct one was at home. I discovered this and the very cool Concierge at the hotel had a plan: I would take a cab to the best buy store, buy a universal charger and then cab it back to the hotel! Sadly, this turned out to be an expensive plan: the cab was probably $25/each way and they didn't have the correct charger. Turns out the work laptop is old. So I ended up getting a new laptop for $150. I told sweetheart that I didn't expect Christmas presents this year. That is the definition of a bonehead move! But I do like the new laptop and will enjoy it for many years.
I did also meet several nice Christian folks. One was a cab driver who had opinions of everything. Very nice lady. The takeaway? VOTE! She was very gung-ho on the importance of voting and I agreed completely with her.
So back safely and there will be more pix. Now, jetlag is getting me, so must go for a nap!
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