And as I was typing yesterday just now, I put in an extra a...yeasterday! You may or may not have this problem in your area during these virus times, but we have limited flour and usually no yeast in the stores! So I got myself on amazon and ordered some. Gotta have that homemade bread. There are so few things to be thankful for right now, so I'll list just some: homemade bread, yeast, flour, working electricity (!!), my tablet for reading, being loved, loving others, nice walks in the coolish mornings, pretty birds, nice clouds, our health, a happy marriage, being retired, Bible studies with friends (albeit only on Zoom), birthday party on Zoom, Jesus. So I guess there are many more things to be thankful for than I thought!
Here are a few pix. I don't usually take food pix, but might take some of the next bread I make. (Good choices include: potato bread, Challah, Anadama bread.)
I'll start with the nice sentiment/art work someone did on their fence. Imaginative and appreciate the sentiment.
Two Saffron Finches flew to the top of the tree I was passing.

Clouds. How do you get some very thin and some very fat?!
I had to crop the one above so I didn't include the light pole.

Sometimes the hardest part is to get the photo without the telephone wire.

I also don't know how you get several directions of going top to lower right and then middle to middle right.

This one included the sun in the middle, but you can't really easily see it.
A bird flew through.
Sometimes I do want to escape this time period. But where can one escape to?!
These are some of the rings I've found in the ocean over the years. I used to turn them in at Hanauma Bay, but discovered that sometimes they weren't going where they should. So sometimes I keep them.

I think this is ginger of some kind.
And a pretty gum tree in the park. YAY! We will be able to walk in the parks again this weekend. I am also hoping that my husband and I will be able to get in the water and hopefully see some octopuses. It will be good to see how the ocean has changed, although won't be able to get in Hanauma Bay, since it's still closed.
Saffron Finches in a pink Plumeria tree.

Pretty fleurs (that's a sneaky way of showing them while not knowing their names...)

More finches
I think Hibiscus. I enjoy the parts designed to pass along the pollen. And everyone wants to live in Hawaii...even the bugs that take a bite out of the flower.
Proof! I found this little watch on one of Amazon's deal of the day days. Works well and helps me know how far I've walked.
Puff ball.
Saffron Finch on top of a tree.
Wear a mask when you go out. But do get out and enjoy when you can.
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