Perhaps because the waves are lessening as we approach winter on the south shore. Doesn't matter why, though, just glad to see all these big and little octopuses.
If you find the siphon (white tube), look just above for the eye.
I nearly missed seeing this one....very well blended in to the surrounding rocks.
Once you know where it is for sure, it becomes much easier to take photos. As long as the octopus sits still, that is.
This octopus was in a group of rocks that I routinely check, as it's known to house octopuses in the past. It's been a while though.

I spotted this one only because a Rock Mover Wrasse was sliding along the rock.
You have to look really carefully. It is the exact color of the surrounding rocks. On the one following, look on the left, at the edge of that triangle of rock. It's peeking out from underneath. (If it appears I'm lying, I don't blame you for thinking that!)
He'e 3:

It's in the divot on the rock. It's a small one. Look for the white markings.
I told myself to look for it again in a minute and reminded myself that it was in a "divot" in the rock. It's amazing how many divots there are in the rocks.

He'e 4 with some rainbow nearby.
You can see its eye, siphon and a sucker. Below, mostly the brown body and white siphon.

This is how I first saw it: peeking out from its den.
He'e 5, a small one

Even at a young age, they know how to hide. You can see its eye, below.

He'e 6
and with a bit of rainbow light
More rainbow. Note the eye on the right.

Note the bumps it can make in its skin.

Wishing I would go away, no doubt.
He'e 7 was way down in its den.
Christmas Wrasse scooting by:

A cleaning station
Cone shell

I think it's a juvenile hawkfish. Waiting on top of some green coral.
A big Honu was sleeping on the island. Two hours later, it finally started making its way back into the water.
A tiny Humu, about to dart into that hole.A blurry picture of the juvenile Barred Filefish. Love those polkadots!
So you see the Lizard?

These fish are also good camouflage artists.

A whole bunch of Manini or Convict Tangs.

Rock Mover Wrasse: think of all the places an octopus could hide!
This shell was near the rainbow colors on the coral:Two 4 spot butterfly fish.

Did you see the octopus first? or the Unicorn Fish? I was photographing the octopus (look on the rocks below the fish's tail) when the Unicorn Fish swam by.
Any day with an octopus is a great day. Seven is a stellar day! And no sharks, either. There had been one sighted a few days ago near where I swim. So I'm very thankful it left our area! And thankful for all of God's great creatures.
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