Two octopuses spotted:
You can see some bumps on its skin.
And the eye is at the top of the body, so just below the rock above its den.
And this is what I saw at first. Hard to see, isn't it?
He'e #2 was hiding in a hole in a rock.
But at one point, it did show more of itself. But it didn't come out to play.
Did you see the recent PBS show on octopuses?! If not, catch up on DVR, as it's a story about octopuses and how cool they are, as experienced by an Alaskan professor and his daughter! And no, it's not the Pacific octopus featured, but the kind we get over here, the cyanea. Very neat show, with lots of video of the coolest animal on the planet. (It's possible I'm a little bit biased.)
I recently learned the Hawaiian name for Moorish Idol: Kihikihi! (Say it key-he-key-he). Cool, non?
I have not yet learned the Hawaiian name for a Cowry shell, however. Doesn't stop them from being pretty.

God's Rays
Manini group of juveniles...Manini being manini!
Rainbow. Worth popping up for.

You can see, following, a bit of the orange on the inside of the side fin.

Bluefin Trevally irritating a Snowflake Moray.
Juvenile Yellow Tail Coris. I saw the adults today, too, but didn't think to snap a photo. I see them so often.
A nice swim all around. Glad I ventured into the deeper side.
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