You can see the siphon and the suckers.
And the eye.

You can see the eye, but not easily. And the leaning feet.

They do stick out, with that coloration. I do wonder if it hunts mostly at night.
Saw 3 octopuses today. Here's the one from the deeper side:
You can see the Rock Mover Wrasse that drew my attention at first. The octopus, on the right, is harder to spot.

And then it went dark when I swam down.
I do try to leave them alone...eventually.

Octopus #3: In the shallower side.
After I swam away, it popped up to make sure I was gone.

A female Christmas Wrasse ventured by.

And following is the male of the same type of fish:
A small humu:
Moorish Idol. Love those eyelashes.Big Peacock Grouper
A pair of Saddleback Butterfly
Can you see the flounder? To the right of the rock with algae on it. Look also at youtube: search for octopigirl7. But not yet! I haven't uploaded yet. OK, now you can look. I had to laugh: at the bottom of the youtube page, it asks if anyone in the video is a minor....well, this flounder, being small, certainly is! But no one will bother it. Very good at camouflage. Look for the tail, near the bottom of the photo.
A Supermale Christmas Wrasse

Trevally and Goatfish fishing together. Not sure the goatfish agrees to this, but...
The Trevally can be pretty forceful.
Another shot of the flounder. Just a bump on the bottom.
Very happy with the animals provided today. And the lesser waves.
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