Especially surprising after yesterday's bonanza of 5 octopuses. Ah well. No frogfish either. Perhaps they are off together at a conference. ha.
But I did see lots of turtles. One even swam by me.
Hard to see, but it was a big one. I didn't want to follow it, so that's the best photo.
But the ones on the beach (5) were easier to catch with my camera:
When I thought about it, the turtle is actually a pretty cool design: hard protective shell and all. But sometimes us humans think everything is for us: I couldn't kill one for its shell or its meat. And certainly not in Hawaii, where that's illegal.
Again, people were being respectful. Always nice!
God's rays shining out of the clouds.A small Horn shell, adhered to the rocks. I was going for some more pix, but I think it was occupied by a hermit crab, as it moved a bit, then fell to the bottom.
Somebody had a lobster meal. (Not me: I always see them when someone has already eaten it.)

Turtle pals
Spotfin Scorpion Fish, skulking under a rock. They look grumpy, don't they?
A tiny Humu was concerned that I would pose a threat. ME?!
This is the trash I picked up today. The inevitable scrunchy, a surprising plastic cup and the fishing line and lead. My friend won't be getting the lead: I threw it in the trash.
Wana. Don't walk on the bottom! I told a man today that the animals on the bottom don't like walkers: he replied that his wife was floating out to sea. Not sure what one thing had to do with the other. Hubby said I should have explained about a new sport called swimming. HA.
The surfers were far out, but happy. This is why I didn't go very far out on the deep side today.
So no octopus, but plenty of God's pretty creatures. Thanks, God!
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