But there were 2 octopuses. So that's worth noting. I also got a chance to use our LANDLINE to call my cousin in Canada! That was fun. We have a landline because it comes with our Spectrum account. But mostly because we are looking to avoid a hurricane and I remember with the last one, it was handy to have a landline, as all the cell towers go down. One never realizes how often you use something until you don't have it any longer.
Anyway, all that said, here's the scoop with pix:
Yes, the visibility wasn't great. But one can see the siphon and sometimes the eye anyway.

The little guy was to the left in the photo below and below that. A small octopus.

The little guy is in the upper right corner in this one; note the white lines around its eyes.
When we lived on Oahu, I saw more octopuses. Perhaps because no one is allowed to hunt them in Hanauma Bay, it being a preserve. There are no such limits here in Poipu, sad to say. So I'm somewhat reluctant to let others know where the octopus are; one never knows if the person talked to might be a hunter!
These 3 bluefin trevally had been circling that rock...if you look closely, you'll see the brown eel under the rock to the right.
And here's the Box Crab; saw 2! In the photo above, you can see the front claws. If they stay still, it's really hard to see them. Even harder than with the octopus. Box #2 below.
Snakeskin cowry shell. I didn't pick it up, so not sure if it was inhabited.

Clouds and palm trees. Yay.
And ze devil fish. The yellow and orange on the inside of the fins tells you there's venom around..When the fins are closed (when they are stationary), you can hardly see them. Ambush predator.

And a cute little Humu fish. I have been seeing a few. They are so adorable and still just as assertive as their adult counterparts!
So a good swim. The water wasn't very pretty, but it was simply nice to be able to get in. And of course, see my pals the octopuses. If you want to see the scorp video, go to youtube and look for octopigirl7...
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