Looking forward to the possibility of getting in the water again. I waited until the 2 weeks after the 2nd vaccination shot. That's what I was told was the timeline for being fully protected. My brother, who works in Public Health, says that even if a variant gets me, being fully vaccinated helps you not die of the virus. I'm all about that!
So don't be surprised if I can figure out the online reservation system to actually visit Hanauma Bay and take a few photos. Are we behind the concept of having octopuses in this blog again? I know I am!
Three little pineapples from the yard that has the roses. I think they are the cutest.

Remember carnations? I love their spicy smell. We don't often see them here in Hawaii.
Oh so ready to bark at me! They got into a fight a minute later. I left the scene before they remembered me, outside the fence.
Another mystery plant.
I found out that the lady who owns this corner of land has no idea who paints these rocks and leaves them. What a nice surprise.
This cat didn't care that I took its photo. I don't think it really even noticed! That's the diff between cats and dogs....
I haven't seen very many Kolea lately. Hope they are off breeding somewhere..
Two Saffron Finches wondering why I was on their sidewalk.
This type of lizard isn't quite as skittish as the other ones I see.
I walk by these steps, near someone's house. If it were my property, I would have a nice comfy reading chair at the top.
This is the oddest flower! It starts out closed and then pops open.
I am always surprised at plants that work this hard to stay alive.
I wasn't sure if they really meant it. But I was on a walk, so I wouldn't have been happy to lug the aloe vera all the way home...
This very friendly Golden Retriever really wanted a pat. When I didn't accede, it came out of the yard to try again. It sniffed me really a lot. I think it was surprised that I wasn't able to pat it. I guess he didn't understand about allergies...
More flowers that really want to live.
This very cute dog kept its cool, even though it had a very barky pal in the same yard. Props to you, pup!
I love how the water drops stay round and in place on the flowers.
These birds hadn't figured out yet that I was sneaking up on them. They flew off once they did.
I do wonder why the water droplets don't fall down. Seems as if gravity would pull them.
A very nice week of walks. Only rained on me a little bit. Seems that when I take my umbrella, that usually fends the rain off! Have a great week. Stay safe and masked. Please pray for India and their covid dilemma!
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