Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hoping for octopus

 So far, the fall/winter season hasn't landed yet, so the waves are not small enough for me to get into the water again. Here's hoping the waves calm down soon! Until then, my walks will continue to feature flowers.

And odd containers! So idea what this was used for...
Nice spotted orchids.

And pretty orange and pink.

And pineapples.

Tomatoes, too.
This nice bird adorned a mailbox.

A real Kolea. They are definitely back from their migratory flight.
A dog that didn't bank.

Hallowe'en figure.
And a dog that definitely did bark. Glad it was behind a fence.
African violets. A nice surprise; I think these are the only ones I've seen here in Hawaii.
Pretty clouds and roses

And a bud from the Mexican poppy.

A nice dog from my past...German Shorthaired Pointer!
More pineapples


3 Saffron Finches!

sunrise clouds

A young lady was walking her Cream Golden Retrievers.

There were a lot of mushrooms for some reason.

More flowers for my friend.

If you look closely, you'll see the zucchini.

I call them the twin pineapples.

The 2 Saffron Finches were disturbed by the Brazilian Cardinal, who made the 1st Saffron move down on the tree. Size matters in the bird world.

These roses had a gorgeous scent, too.

The new mystery flower:

And another flower for my friend....
I am a sucker for the curvy white.

And the pale, pale orange.
They had to bark and they set off the rest of the neighborhood! Perhaps they were overly warm...

And bunny

Moon. The sky was pretty cloudless, so it was hard to get a clear photo of the Moon.
The other new mystery plant.


Yes, let's stay safe!

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