Anyway, here's the good stuff:

At the bottom: one of those cute 3 spot chromis that hang out near coral heads.
5 Humu in one picture. Also unusual. We don't get that many groups over here....
Unless you're talking groups of goat fish.
Blue spined Unicorn
Cleaning station with parrot fish and convict tangs.
Cone shell with the original animal hiding inside.
And this hiding white mouth moray...that's why you don't put your hand in holes.
Honu swam by.
This lizard fish zoomed away shortly afterward.

Pinktail showing its tail
And a green plaid cornet fish. I rarely seem them this color
And until today, I had not noted the Saddle wrasse's purple fin
Scorp #1
I would have loved to take this shell home, but it had a tenant
Nice tiny shell
Spotfin Scorp hiding underneath a rocky overhang
Stocky hawk fish looking for prey
Trevally following a snowflake eel
I don't know that I would put a Cone shell on my back for protection, as this urchin did.
This photo is called Why did I take this photo? Because there's a Scorpion fish just below that red rock. Same fish as in the photo earlier, with the orange fins.
Nice swim. Grateful for what I did see, even if it wasn't an octopus!
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