So I took the day off of swimming on Friday, our first full day back and swam yesterday. The water was rocking and rolling but I did manage to spot a small octopus, a Devil scorpion fish and a Spotfin Scorp. Very nice.

This Devil Scorpion Fish was hanging out where I once saw an octopus. Hope it escaped.
This small Spotfin Scorp was hiding in a hole. They are fascinating ambush predators.

This small octopus was hiding, too. But it would peek out as if to ask Is she gone yet?!
The octopus did that peeking up at me several times. Hopefully, it will learn to hide and stay hidden. I don't catch octopuses, but others do.

A Rock Mover wrasse, showing its clown face.
Snowflake Moray eel.

This is the adult Yellow Tail Coris.
Ambon Puffer, staying out of the Goat Fish group.

Sleeping Honu.
Blue Spined Unicorn fish and the juvenile of the Yellow Tail Coris. So different than the adult!

Male Trunk Fish.
A guy taking a photo of a honu or seal (couldn't see it well from my distance) and staying away far enough. Thanks, photog!
Money Cowry. I put it back down because I couldn't tell if it was empty.

Pinktail Durgon and a damsel.
Two seals...I think.
It was nice getting back into the water after two weeks away!
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