Apparently, it grabbed it, as it was in its mouth.
There's a heavy weight above the eel's head, which, with all the fishing line, kept the poor thing anchored. I was able, with the trusty scissors my sweetheart gave me, to cut the line and release both the hook and the weight. But the damage had already been done.
The fact that it looks as if it's about to swim away probably accounts for the presence of it about a half hour later when I swam past it again...Apparently other predators thought it was alive. I watched for a while before working to release it, to make sure it was dead. Sad. But in the good news category:
This fish had been caught too: it was hanging as you see it above. You can see the fishing line, which led to its mouth. It tried to swim away, only to be jerked back. Again, the scissors came in handy. I was able to snip the fishing line and it swam away. Not sure what it still had in its mouth (a hook maybe), but it seemed peppy enough to be loose! Hope it lives. I'm not going to say fishing is bad, but it would be nice if one could take the hooks and lines away when they break off. But then, the fisher people aren't usually in the water, but on the shore. I felt as if I helped the fish, even if I was too late to save the eel. And thinking more about it, if the eel had still been alive, I probably couldn't have saved it, hooked as it was and with those sharp teeth.

Two of the three seals on the beach. I like to think the one closer to my camera was waving.
This nice shell was being preyed upon by the greyish-bluish shell you see above it.

Three Rock Mover Wrasses, which I often see in association with my main interest, the octopus.
The octopus above was in its den, and the rainbow on its head came from the light filtering in.

Adult Rock Mover and its clown face.
Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse cleaning a Bluefin Trevally.

More of the octopuses I spotted. The funny thing was that I saw 5 in the deep part and none in the shallow, kiddie pond. Very odd... But I did notice a lot of folks walking on the bottom in the kiddie pond: octopus are not stupid! They were probably burrowed deep in their dens for protection against the reef walkers.
Here you can see the siphon and above it, the eye.

This one didn't seem very afraid of me, which was nice.
Siphon again, above, and the eye to the left.
The octopus is just so fascinating. They can make their skin bumpy, as well as multi-colored. Of course, the rainbow colors below are from a rainbow of light shining down on the octopus.
A little Trunk fish for my sweetheart. So cute! and so tiny.

Moorish Idol.
Pinktail Durgon. These are usually pretty far out, so the water is less clear. But today, the waves were very well behaved, so I was able to range further out without getting mashed.

Sad from last week. I thought the shell was empty. Mr. Crab was not appreciative. But unfortunately, he didn't live to tell about it. Sorry, Crab!

White mouth Moray eel. There were a few of these today. In fact, I saw more of them than the Snowflake Morays!
OK, that's it for this post. I will post more, but want to start a new one, so the sad animal demise is in the past.
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