Sunday, January 14, 2018

I am not completely octopus-less!

Just so you know, the surgery went well. But since I'm not completely healed yet, I've been told to stay out of the water. Imagine how much fun that is. I have found, surprisingly, that there are many more hours in the weekend swimming for 3 hours, looking at photos for 2 hours and then writing the blog post! But even with that great benefit, I am hoping that by next weekend, I'll be able to dunk myself again. 
In the meantime, I have been coloring...octopus, of course!

Of course, none of these are exactly like the real octopuses, but who knows? They might be able to do green if they needed to...
Very few of the drawings to color has the correct eyes...they aren't like human eyes.




After all, we do live in Hawaii! 
For those of you readers who pray, thank you! I'll keep you "post"ed on my progress.
Many blessings!

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