Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fatigue takes its toll

 Perhaps because I am still recovering from a root canal, forgive me, please, for just shooting you a bunch of photos. Perhaps you will be relieved that I'm not blabbing! In any case, here you go:

There were mega caterpillars on the Crown flower plants. Look for the little one on the left, too.

Below, little pineapples!
Big possible carpenter bee resting

I actually saw corn growing!!

Double rainbow

After almost  year out of the water, I was finally able to get wet! Here's a Humu...the water visibility was not excellent, but it was really nice to get back in.

The finished Gustav Klimt puzzle

This Kolea had to mash the bug it found on the ground several times...

A good dog: didn't bark!

Dog in jail

Trunk Fish, obscured by bad visibility. It was blue, a male.

And that's the lot from the week! Very glad to have had a mostly good day and able to get in the water...Have a great week!

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